Thursday, September 19, 2013

As America's grand poobah of propaganda, Bill O'Reilly doesn't like it when the folks don't, metaphorically speaking, kiss his posterior (ewww). Such was the case when he invited Miss Kansas, Teresa Vail, to appear on The Factor. Bill wanted to speak with Ms. Vail because she has "big" tattoos and a military background. But her business manager wanted to know, in advance, what questions would be asked. This "violation of journalistic ethics" was not well received by O'Reilly who claims not to use a script. He used this affront as the basis for his tip of the day - "when you want to become a public figure, do it honestly, don't try to contrive the situation. It never works." On his website, the title for the piece and accompanying video is " Tip of the Day, Ink Stained Wench." "Ink stained," "wench," seriously?

While Bill's oh so clever play on words is offensive and sexist, it's really a bit ironic considering that whoever wrote the title is playing off of the phrase "ink stained wrench" which refers to journalists. So it's O'Reilly who is the ink stained wretch!

Tip of the day for Bill - if people don't suck up to you, you really should avoid publicly shaming and insulting them. Just saying....

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